10 books self help lockdown
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Read these Self-Help Books and make most out of this downtime

Continual upskilling is critical for accelerating your career progression. However, the time constraint that corporate employment entail tends to spare limited time for you to improve your skillset. In this light, it can be said that downtime is the best time to update the skills you require to transcend the role that you hold. Developing the ability to teach yourself can help you make the most of self-help books available in the market. We have put together a list of popular books that can help you get started. 

1) Fastlane Millionaire by MJ DeMarco

The Millionaire Fastlane by M.J. Demarco - animated book summary ...

This book will change your perspective of the process involved in getting rich. The author demolishes the conventional ideas of earning riches by exposing its many flaws. MJ redefines wealth in Fastlane Millionaire and outlines a quick practical way of getting wealthy and retiring young. This book can help you start your own profitable business that can yield you both reputation and wealth.

2) Creativity Inc by Ed Catmull and Amy Wallace

Creativity Inc by Ed Catmull and Amy Wallace

The authors base this book on the premise that everyone has creativity in them. They believe that various unseen forces suppress or even quench this innate creativity. They emphasize the fact that creative inspiration is not associated with job titles or organizational hierarchy. This is a great book for managers as it helps them understand the importance of a good team and educates them about acceptable team dynamics. 

3) Range by David Epstein

Range by David Epstein

We have all heard time and again about the importance of starting early, honing skills, and striving to succeed. The book will help you understand the reason behind generalists’ success during times of increasing specialization. In his book, Range, David Epstein draws a vivid comparison between those who start young and those who take time to find their interest. He uses real-life celebrities as examples to draw takeaways about specializing, experimenting, and abstract thinking. This is a breakthrough book that can help parents, teachers, managers, and leaders look at success and performance in the right way.

4) Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans

Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans

This book is a New York Times Best Seller that can impact you positively irrespective of your age or stage in life. The authors give you a prototype of design thinking that can help you design and build your work as well as personal life. Living out the guidelines and concepts available in this book can help you live a more fulfilling life filled with creativity, productivity, and joy.

5) Find Your Why by Simon Sinek, David Mead, and Peter Docker

Find Your Why by Simon Sinek, David Mead, and Peter Docker

The authors of this book believe that statements that start with ‘why’ are more actionable than others. This book will help you find your purpose (if you haven’t already) and will aid in renewing your passion for what you are doing. This read will redefine the definition of happiness, fulfillment, and purpose for you. The authors have also followed up with a second book, ‘Start With Why’ to help you get started on the path that will make your life more meaningful.

6) The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau

The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau

This book has its focus set on solopreneurs and individual entrepreneurs who wield their capabilities and earn profits through sheer passion and micro-businesses. The author taps into his own experience as an entrepreneur and delivers speaking assignments on micro-businesses. The book is a great source of small ideas that can be worked on to earn a substantial income. The author generously uses infographics, checklists, and sidebars to help convey his message effectively.

7) Originals by Adam Grant

Innovation Design In Education - ASIDE: Book Club Discussion ...

This book gives you a glimpse into the world-view of successful innovators. Reading this book will encourage you to stand out by correctly expressing your new ideas. He analyses the non-conformist moves made by leading innovators in various markets and highlights their success strategies to provide you with actionable insights.

8) Antifragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Antifragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Antifragile is a thought-provoking book that encourages you to work towards making yourself stronger by exposing yourself to volatile circumstances. The author segregates all things into three categories – fragile, robust, and antifragile. He appeals to develop features that will slot you in the antifragile category, where every disruption only makes you stronger. 

9) When by Daniel H Pink

When by Daniel H Pink

This book explores scientific facts that imply that the impact of the decision taken is dependent on their timing. The author suggests that our cognitive abilities are subject to change over the course of the day. Daniel leverages his research takeaways and highlights the importance of scheduling and timing of routine practices to culminate your efforts into success.

10) Grit by Angela Duckworth

Grit by Angela Duckworth

This book will keep your motivation levels high while you strive to gain success. The author emphasizes the fact that passion must be backed by perseverance to achieve the unattainable. In Grit, Angela records her meetings with people who have exercised grit to savor success. The takeaways she notes in this book and the life accounts of the champions she interviews will energize you to persevere and win.



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