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What to remember on your next Interview?

Whenever you go for an interview for any job or internship or anything else, the interviewer will try to confuse you with tricky questions. Here we have provided commonly asked questions and their impressive answers.

1. Why don’t you tell me about yourself?

This is the most common question asked in almost all interviews. The objective of this question is to see how you handle yourself in unstructured situations. The interviewer wants to know how confident you are and what kind of impression you form on people.

Be prepared to deal with it. Respond to it positively. Don’t act stupid by bluntly asking “What do you wanna know?” The correct response should include what interests the recruiter and highlights your most important accomplishments.

Focus on what interests the interviewer

Don’t bore him with your history. Start with your most recent employment and explain why you are well qualified for the position. The important thing is to match your qualifications with the requirements.

Highlight Important Accomplishments

Have a story ready that illustrates your best professional qualities. For example, what do the people say about you. Stories are powerful and people remember them for a longer time.

2. How long have you been with your current (or former) employer?

Successful people stay in their jobs at least three to five years. They implement course corrections, bring in new resources, and, in general, learn how to survive and that’s why they are valued.

If your resume shows jobs with companies which were acquired, closed or moved, it’s still viewed as job-hopper’s history. Volunteer to activities and events where higher officials could be found. Build up your network and find someone who can expose you to the hiring authorities.

3. What is your greatest weakness?

The confidence of the candidate in this question shows his self-knowledge and acceptance. Give an honest answer and remain confident. Remember that your weakness doesn’t make you less deserving for the position. Also tell the recruiter what are you doing for this weakness and how.

4. Tell me about a situation where you did not get along with a superior.

Never say that it never happened to you before. Such a situation comes in every field and can pop up any time.

People have different opinions. Explain when such a thing happened, how did you explain your point and never forget to add that you listened and responded to other’s opinions as well.

5. Describe a situation where you were a part of a failed project.

Failure is the key to success and if you have never failed before then it means that you have never succeeded. The recruiter isn’t looking for perfection. What he wants is to know your level of responsibility and understand you better.

Tell what you learnt from your mistakes. Have a brief story ready. Conclude on a positive note with a statement about what you learnt and how it benefited the company.

6. What are your strengths?

Describe your skills relevant to the job. Don’t give generalities, rather offer specific pieces of evidence. Describe how your skills can benefit the company.

7. How do you explain your job success?

Be candid without sounding arrogant. Mention observations other people have made about your work strengths or talents.

8. What do you do when you are not working?

Such a question is intended to find your qualities, leadership, living style, adjustment and happiness levels. Discuss your hobbies like sports, books, adventure or whatever you like. Avoid talking about religious or political matters.

9. Why did you leave your last position?

Personality, ego and temperament sometimes interfere with your work. The interviewer wants to know how well would you fit into the company. Be honest and straightforward. Highlight positive developments that resulted from your departure, like getting a more challenging position or learning an important lesson in life.

10. Why do you want to work in this industry?

Keep prepared a story about how came to know about the company (if it’s not very big) and how you became interested in that kind of work. Give similarities between your current job and the job you have applied for. Make your passion for your work a theme that you allude to continue throughout the interview.

Source: fastcompany.com



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