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On{x}: Makes Your Android Phone Really Your Assistant

Wonder if your Android Phone can compete with your real life assistant. What if your phone can remind you whenever you have not been to gym for some days? Or if it can tell you to carry an umbrella if it’s going to rain. Or if it can automatically reply your text messages.

On{x} is an attempt to make smart phones really smart. On{x} makes all this possible. On{x} comes with some easy pre-made rule templates (called recipes) to easy your life. Although you can code new recipes too using JavaScript.

On{x} is a rule based automation application developed by Microsoft that works on your Android. Seems strange? Microsoft has just launched a less-secure beta version of the app on Android platform. Soon it’s going to be on Metro UI and Windows Phone too.

On{x} comes with 11 recipes to automate your phone and tasks. Like other automation apps this app works on certain triggers (like location, weather, battery, etc) and does a task (like a pop-notification, launching an app, etc). You can get recipe templates here.

The app works as a personal assistant – reminding you things and doing repetitive tasks for you. All the rules are modifiable. You can easily change them or even get into their codes and make new rules based upon them.

Similar to Tasker, on{X} allows you to easily create rules on their website and sync them to your phone. The on{X} recipes interface for adding or editing rules is extremely simple (similar to ifttt). Knowledge of JavaScript is a bonus while creating new rules.

To set up on{x} download and install on{X} from the Android market or by scanning this QR code. Log into the app on your phone using Facebook and then log into the on{X} web site, again with Facebook. To add recipes visit the recipes page and hit ‘add’ button on whatever recipe you like and its pushed into your phone. You can find more recipes that are being developed by other users and discuss code on their forum.

Right now, on{X} is under beta phase. The recipe templates are simple and it’s easy to code new recipes (for semi-geeks) but still there are some limitations. Some essential actions like ringer volume/vibration, Wi-Fi and GPS signal, and screen lock are still missing. But they may arrive soon. For now, there are still lots of stuff that you can do both with recipes and JavaScript API.

But these are sure to come and, for now, there’s still lots you can do and explore with both the recipes and the JavaScript API.

Source: lifehacker.com



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